
Pupil Premium

The Government has provided a package of pupil support funding money delegated from central Government to schools, based on a number of measures. This is known as Pupil Premium funding.  These measures include eligibility for Free School Meals in the last 6 years, children whose parents are in the Armed Forces and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months.

At Whitemoor, we are using our pupil premium funding to diminish the difference for disadvantaged pupils and supporting them in making at least expected progress in comparison to their peers. The majority of our pupil premium allocation is spent on teaching – providing one to one tuition to help individual children raise their attainment; small group teaching support in addition to the class teacher; and one to one teaching assistant support. The funding is also allocated to support children with their behaviour and well-being through our TIS practitioners and PSA.

Additionally, funding is provided to enable pupil premium funded pupils to access enrichment activities within and outside of school.

Please refer to the following documents, to see the detailed approach to pupil premium, both at Whitemoor and across Aspire, ensuring every child reaches their full potential. The Aspire Pupil Premium Policy outlines the ethos aims and beliefs across the trust, including Whitemoor Academy, with regards to all pupils, including Pupil Premium. The Whitemoor Pupil Premium Strategy outlines the spending and impact of each strand and it's impact for both last year and the year ahead.

Whitemoor Academy
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