



The Aspire Academy Trust is committed to supporting positive mental health and the Aspire Mental Health Policy is available below. 

The ‘Leading a Mentally Healthy School’ training programme has been developed by Health Education England (HEE) and the School Development Support Agency (SDSA), in partnership with an expert group of educational psychologists, education consultants and mental health organisations and responds to the areas highlighted in the Green Paper – ‘Transforming Children & Young People’s Mental Health Provision’ (December 2017).

Mrs S Chown

Parent support Advisor

Support for families

Parenting is not an easy job and, at times things can get tough. Like every other parent, you want what is best for your child.
At Whitemoor we have a Parent Support Adviser (PSA) who is here to help deal with any worries or concerns that you may have as a parent. A Parent Support Adviser works closely with families to support school staff and external agencies in partnership with families.Helping parents to feel comfortable about coming into school and participating in their children's learning.

Our Parent Support Adviser can offer you:

One to one support
Offer support and advice
Provide information about other relevant services in the area
Offer opportunities to attend parenting groups and to learn together.

Hi, my name is Sarah Chown, and I am the Parent Support Adviser covering Whitemoor Academy.

I can offer advice, or signpost to the relevant agencies for issues such as:

. Housing, debt, bereavement, Separation and Divorce, and Transport issues to school.

Behaviour concerns, sleep issues, dietary and wellbeing concerns.

I am happy to meet with parents in school, or in the comfort of your own home.

You can reach me on my mobile 07512267449, or sarah.chown@aspireacademytrust.org

Or I will be in the school every Tuesday.

Tea and biscuits will always be available!

I look forward to meeting you all.

Trauma Informed School / Pupil Behaviour and Welfare
We want all the children in our community to flourish, so we have introduced The Trauma Informed School Approach in order to support their emotional and social development.  Our aim is to help your children feel happy and secure, able to enjoy friendships, relate well to others and be ready and able to learn.
We have several TIS trained members of staff in school including Mrs Hooper, Mrs Mepham and Mrs O'Mahoney. 
We also participate in wider programmes with charities such as the NSPCC to support pupils with their relationships education. 
In addition to the above, we have two Senior Mental Health leads in school - Mrs Ford and Mrs O'Mahoney.

Whitemoor Academy
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