

Our intent in Computing is to: 

  • Provide a relevant, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for computing for all pupils.  

  • Meet the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study for Computing.  

  • Use ICT and computing as a tool to enhance learning throughout the curriculum.  

  • Respond to new developments in technology.  

  • Equip pupils with the confidence and capability to use ICT and computing throughout their later life.  

  • Enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum using ICT and computing.  

  • Develop the understanding of how to use ICT and computing safely and responsibly. 

We are fortunate to have a whole class set of Chrome books in school of which children have access to in Computing lessons and across the curriculum. We endeavor to incorporate the use of ICT where possible and ensure that e-safety is taught regularly. Pupil input is always taken into account when planning and teaching these lessons in order to keep up to date with the latest technology and pupil interest. 
To see how Computing is being taught throughout the school, take a look at our  class pages and the curriculum maps.

Whitemoor Academy
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Whitemoor Academy. All rights reserved. 2025